Thursday, May 31, 2012

Chicken Intros

Partly testing my ability to use this blog stuff and also to post photos of one of my hobbies.

Heres Nev, one of my cockerels. Hes a Croad Langshan and currently lives with his wives with the mixed flock. When I need his wives eggs I will put them into their own compound so that I collect just black Croad eggs,

And heres Kev, a white Croad Langshan with his wives

And heres Trev (II) - a cream legbar with his wives. 

I currently have some of the cream legbar eggs incubating, due to hatch next week.  I'm hoping that I get a better result this time.  My last hatch gave me just one hen, the rest were cockerels !

Sunday, May 27, 2012

The Beginning

Were on holiday, its raining (again) so what better time to create and start my card and chicken blog.
Once Ive got the hang of this I will post pictures of some of my cards, along with the ideas behind the card.  I'll post stuff about my other hobby - chickens